Part 2: The Striking Contrast of Two Systems
posted on
November 9, 2024
Hello again!
Last week we asked the question — is it worth it? Does the extra effort and cost of buying 100% grass-fed beef directly from a farmer that I trust really make a difference in the health of my family and the environment?🤔
In that email we took a look at the conventional system of raising beef that is based on inputs, chemicals... and killing things. (you can click HERE to read it again)
Today I want to share about another system that is based on working in-sync with nature to promote LIFE and HEALTH — In the soil, the environment, the animals, and YOU!😀
Why Does It Matter?
Because we're killing our food supply!
Our life depends on soil — without it there is nothing to eat! But did you know that we're losing it?
Our current methods of farming across the globe are killing the soil! At this point we've lost 1/3 of the world's topsoil and this is continuing in a process called desertification. Desertification is just a fancy word that means fertile land becoming a desert.

Soil is made up of carbon and LOTS of microbes. In one handful of healthy soil there are more microbes than there are people on the earth! Microbes are essential to the function of soil. Without them you are left with lifeless dirt!
Whenever you till the soil it releases carbon into the atmosphere and damages the soil. And guess what spraying tons of toxic chemicals does to the the microbes? It kills them! Desertification happens when soil is continuously damaged over long periods of time until it stops growing things....
Tragically, there are an estimated 40 million people who become refugees each year because of desertification.💔
Rapid erosion has been happening in America since the unleashing of the tractor and plow in the early 1900s, and is still happing today at an alarming rate!
The picture below is of the famous 1930s "Dust Bowl". You might not think that the Dust Bowl could happen again, but just this year the interstate that goes by our farm was closed due to blowing dust...

And not only are we killing our food supply — we're killing ourselves....
For each person in the U.S., there are THREE POUNDS of toxic pesticides used in agriculture each year!
These toxic chemicals not only come to us through our food but also are contaminating much of our drinking water.
All of these chemicals have a significant impact on the microbiome in our gut that a growing body of research is showing to be linked to the exponential increase in gut disfunction and a long list of diseases including cancer.

Topsoil CAN be rebuilt, carbon sequestered, and chemical use stopped with the proper management of the humble cow!

Regeneratively Grazed, 100% Grass-fed Beef 🌱🌱
This system of raising beef focuses on working in-sync with the systems of nature that God created — and that is where amazing things start happening!
One of those patterns is the need for MOVEMENT across the landscape which we achieve through a grazing method called rotational grazing.
With rotational grazing, we move our cattle to a new section of pasture every day or two so the cows graze off the grass and leave their manure behind which in turn fertilizes the grass!
This is the cycle of LIFE and HEALTH that results from rotational grazing...
- The pasture grows more grass and naturally suppresses weeds without the use of chemical fertilizers or herbicides. This is because the grass isn't overgrazed (since the cows are moved every day) resulting in deeper roots and stronger plants.
- The cows harvest their own feed and spread their own manure — without the use of diesel fuel! (with the exception that we do make some hay for the winter)
- The soil health improves over time because of the deeper grass roots, manure, and not having chemical herbicides and fertilizers applied to it.
- Flourishing pastures act as a "carbon sink" drawing down more carbon and methane than the cattle produce in their lifetime as shown by this study!
- Topsoil can be rebuilt at an incredible speed of one inch every three years! This is compared to it taking 100 - 500 years with conventional agriculture.
- Healthy soil soaks rain in faster (an average of 6x faster than degraded soil!) resulting in less flooding and more water being stored in the soil for times of drought!
- This regenerating, soil building, and life giving cycle continues to repeat! 😀
- Healthy soil = healthy plants = healthy animals = healthy YOU!
With your support, we can turn run-down farm land into a thriving example of regenerative agriculture!

Working in sync with nature makes for cattle that can thrive on JUST GRASS without needing chemical fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, de-wormers, vaccines, antibiotics, and tons of diesel fuel — while also building topsoil and improving the environment!
But is there proof that the beef is actually healthier for you???
100% Grass-fed beef that is raised this way has around 4 times more omega-3 fatty acids than grain fed beef.
It also has a much better omega-6 : omega-3 ratio of around 3:1 vs the extremely high ratio of 15:1 that is commonly found in grain-fed beef!
Omega-3s have been shown to be important in the improvement of heart and brain function, as well as protecting you from depression, schizophrenia, ADD and Alzheimer's disease.
Sadly, statistics show that around 70-90% of Americans are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, with young children being some that are especially vulnerable.
And there's more!
Truly 100% grass-fed beef has 3 times more Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) compared to grain-fed beef.
CLAs are a powerful nutritional defense against many types of cancer! One study showed that women that had the most CLA in their diet had a 60% reduction in the risk of breast cancer. Unfortunately, the average American has less than half the optimal level of CLAs in their diet.
What you eat on a daily basis has a big impact on your long-term health for better or for worse. It's up to you which one it will be.
So what is the value of beef that that has way more essential nutrients, is free from toxic chemicals, and improves the environment for future generations???
That's for you to decide!😀
Blessings on your day,
Your Farmer,
Prairie Creek Pastures